08:00 – 20:00
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Meet – the equipment of our car center “ReCar”

Wheel alignment stand (RUUK) HOFMANN Geoliner You, as a car owner, probably know that your 4-wheel friend periodically needs a procedure that is usually called a “wheel alignment”. Let’s try to figure out what the mysterious angles of the wheels are, and why you need to carefully and sometimes quite often adjust them. The “wheel alignment” procedure is the setting of the angles of the wheels so that they are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. The purpose of these installations is to increase the life of the car tires, to maintain the correct trajectory of...

Replacing timing chains (guide chains, drive chain, chains and parts, timing chain tensioner) for Range Rover and Jaguar

The gas distribution mechanism is an element of the car, which is used to remove exhaust gases and inject fuel into the engine cylinders. The chain is responsible for synchronizing the process. Despite the high quality, in the cars Jaguar and Range Rover. this item may also fail. To make a replacement, it is advisable to contact a highly specialized car service. This guarantees the quality of work, efficiency and other advantages. In British cars, the operating life of the timing chain is limited and can be further reduced by improper use of the mechanism, as well as neglect of...

Problems with Range Rover air suspension

Автомобили Range Rover рассчитаны на серьезные нагрузки, но эксплуатируется в условиях украинских дорог, и постоянная езда по ямам способна спровоцировать проблемы с пневмоподвеской. Жесткие условия не проходят бесследно, поэтому надо дополнительно уделять внимание состоянию подвески. При обнаружении малейших...

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